
Description: Use the chrome.tabs API to interact with the browser's tab system. You can use this API to create, modify, and rearrange tabs in the browser.
Availability: Since Chrome 29.
Permissions: The majority of the chrome.tabs API can be used without declaring any permission. However, the "tabs" permission is required in order to populate the url, title, and favIconUrl properties of Tab.


You can use most chrome.tabs methods and events without declaring any permissions in the extension's manifest file. However, if you require access to the url, title, or favIconUrl properties of tabs.Tab, you must declare the "tabs" permission in the manifest, as shown below:

        "name": "My extension",
        "permissions": [


Two tabs in a window
You can find simple examples of manipulating tabs with the chrome.tabs API in the examples/api/tabs directory. For other examples and for help in viewing the source code, see Samples.


get chrome.tabs.get(integer tabId, function callback)
getCurrent chrome.tabs.getCurrent(function callback)
connect runtime.Port chrome.tabs.connect(integer tabId, object connectInfo)
sendRequest chrome.tabs.sendRequest(integer tabId, any request, function responseCallback)
sendMessage chrome.tabs.sendMessage(integer tabId, any message, object options, function responseCallback)
getSelected chrome.tabs.getSelected(integer windowId, function callback)
getAllInWindow chrome.tabs.getAllInWindow(integer windowId, function callback)
create chrome.tabs.create(object createProperties, function callback)
duplicate chrome.tabs.duplicate(integer tabId, function callback)
query chrome.tabs.query(object queryInfo, function callback)
highlight chrome.tabs.highlight(object highlightInfo, function callback)
update chrome.tabs.update(integer tabId, object updateProperties, function callback)
move chrome.tabs.move(integer or array of integer tabIds, object moveProperties, function callback)
reload chrome.tabs.reload(integer tabId, object reloadProperties, function callback)
remove chrome.tabs.remove(integer or array of integer tabIds, function callback)
detectLanguage chrome.tabs.detectLanguage(integer tabId, function callback)
captureVisibleTab chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab(integer windowId, object options, function callback)
executeScript chrome.tabs.executeScript(integer tabId, object details, function callback)
insertCSS chrome.tabs.insertCSS(integer tabId, object details, function callback)
setZoom chrome.tabs.setZoom(integer tabId, double zoomFactor, function callback)
getZoom chrome.tabs.getZoom(integer tabId, function callback)
setZoomSettings chrome.tabs.setZoomSettings(integer tabId, ZoomSettings zoomSettings, function callback)
getZoomSettings chrome.tabs.getZoomSettings(integer tabId, function callback)
discard chrome.tabs.discard(integer tabId, function callback)
goForward chrome.tabs.goForward(integer tabId, function callback)
goBack chrome.tabs.goBack(integer tabId, function callback)



An event that caused a muted state change.
A user input action set the muted state.
Tab capture was started, forcing a muted state change.
An extension, identified by the extensionId field, set the muted state.


Since Chrome 46.

The tab's muted state and the reason for the last state change.
boolean muted

Whether the tab is muted (prevented from playing sound). The tab may be muted even if it has not played or is not currently playing sound. Equivalent to whether the 'muted' audio indicator is showing.

MutedInfoReason (optional) reason

The reason the tab was muted or unmuted. Not set if the tab's mute state has never been changed.

string (optional) extensionId

The ID of the extension that changed the muted state. Not set if an extension was not the reason the muted state last changed.


integer (optional) id

The ID of the tab. Tab IDs are unique within a browser session. Under some circumstances a tab may not be assigned an ID; for example, when querying foreign tabs using the sessions API, in which case a session ID may be present. Tab ID can also be set to chrome.tabs.TAB_ID_NONE for apps and devtools windows.

integer index

The zero-based index of the tab within its window.

integer windowId

The ID of the window that contains the tab.

integer (optional) openerTabId

The ID of the tab that opened this tab, if any. This property is only present if the opener tab still exists.

boolean selected

Deprecated since Chrome 33. Please use tabs.Tab.highlighted.

Whether the tab is selected.

boolean highlighted

Whether the tab is highlighted.

boolean active

Whether the tab is active in its window. Does not necessarily mean the window is focused.

boolean pinned

Whether the tab is pinned.

boolean (optional) audible

Since Chrome 45.

Whether the tab has produced sound over the past couple of seconds (but it might not be heard if also muted). Equivalent to whether the 'speaker audio' indicator is showing.

boolean discarded

Since Chrome 54.

Whether the tab is discarded. A discarded tab is one whose content has been unloaded from memory, but is still visible in the tab strip. Its content is reloaded the next time it is activated.

boolean autoDiscardable

Since Chrome 54.

Whether the tab can be discarded automatically by the browser when resources are low.

MutedInfo (optional) mutedInfo

Since Chrome 46.

The tab's muted state and the reason for the last state change.

string (optional) url

The URL the tab is displaying. This property is only present if the extension's manifest includes the "tabs" permission.

string (optional) title

The title of the tab. This property is only present if the extension's manifest includes the "tabs" permission.

string (optional) favIconUrl

The URL of the tab's favicon. This property is only present if the extension's manifest includes the "tabs" permission. It may also be an empty string if the tab is loading.

string (optional) status

Either loading or complete.

boolean incognito

Whether the tab is in an incognito window.

integer (optional) width

Since Chrome 31.

The width of the tab in pixels.

integer (optional) height

Since Chrome 31.

The height of the tab in pixels.

string (optional) sessionId

Since Chrome 31.

The session ID used to uniquely identify a tab obtained from the sessions API.


Defines how zoom changes are handled, i.e., which entity is responsible for the actual scaling of the page; defaults to automatic.
Zoom changes are handled automatically by the browser.
Overrides the automatic handling of zoom changes. The onZoomChange event will still be dispatched, and it is the extension's responsibility to listen for this event and manually scale the page. This mode does not support per-origin zooming, and thus ignores the scope zoom setting and assumes per-tab.
Disables all zooming in the tab. The tab reverts to the default zoom level, and all attempted zoom changes are ignored.


Defines whether zoom changes persist for the page's origin, or only take effect in this tab; defaults to per-origin when in automatic mode, and per-tab otherwise.
Zoom changes persist in the zoomed page's origin, i.e., all other tabs navigated to that same origin are zoomed as well. Moreover, per-origin zoom changes are saved with the origin, meaning that when navigating to other pages in the same origin, they are all zoomed to the same zoom factor. The per-origin scope is only available in the automatic mode.
Zoom changes only take effect in this tab, and zoom changes in other tabs do not affect the zooming of this tab. Also, per-tab zoom changes are reset on navigation; navigating a tab always loads pages with their per-origin zoom factors.


Since Chrome 38.

Defines how zoom changes in a tab are handled and at what scope.
ZoomSettingsMode (optional) mode

Defines how zoom changes are handled, i.e., which entity is responsible for the actual scaling of the page; defaults to automatic.

ZoomSettingsScope (optional) scope

Defines whether zoom changes persist for the page's origin, or only take effect in this tab; defaults to per-origin when in automatic mode, and per-tab otherwise.

double (optional) defaultZoomFactor

Since Chrome 43.

Used to return the default zoom level for the current tab in calls to tabs.getZoomSettings.


Whether the tabs have completed loading.
"loading", or "complete"


The type of window.
"normal", "popup", "panel", "app", or "devtools"


-1 chrome.tabs.TAB_ID_NONE

Since Chrome 46.

An ID that represents the absence of a browser tab.



chrome.tabs.get(integer tabId, function callback)

Retrieves details about the specified tab.

integer tabId
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function( Tab tab) {...};
Tab tab


chrome.tabs.getCurrent(function callback)

Gets the tab that this script call is being made from. May be undefined if called from a non-tab context (for example, a background page or popup view).

function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function( Tab tab) {...};
Tab (optional) tab


runtime.Port chrome.tabs.connect(integer tabId, object connectInfo)

Connects to the content script(s) in the specified tab. The runtime.onConnect event is fired in each content script running in the specified tab for the current extension. For more details, see Content Script Messaging.

integer tabId
object (optional) connectInfo
string (optional) name

Is passed into onConnect for content scripts that are listening for the connection event.

integer (optional) frameId

Since Chrome 41.

Open a port to a specific frame identified by frameId instead of all frames in the tab.


chrome.tabs.sendRequest(integer tabId, any request, function responseCallback)

Deprecated since Chrome 33. Please use runtime.sendMessage.

Sends a single request to the content script(s) in the specified tab, with an optional callback to run when a response is sent back. The extension.onRequest event is fired in each content script running in the specified tab for the current extension.

integer tabId
any request
function (optional) responseCallback

If you specify the responseCallback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function(any response) {...};
any response

The JSON response object sent by the handler of the request. If an error occurs while connecting to the specified tab, the callback is called with no arguments and runtime.lastError is set to the error message.


chrome.tabs.sendMessage(integer tabId, any message, object options, function responseCallback)

Sends a single message to the content script(s) in the specified tab, with an optional callback to run when a response is sent back. The runtime.onMessage event is fired in each content script running in the specified tab for the current extension.

integer tabId
any message

The message to send. This message should be a JSON-ifiable object.

object (optional) options

Since Chrome 41.

integer (optional) frameId

Send a message to a specific frame identified by frameId instead of all frames in the tab.

function (optional) responseCallback

If you specify the responseCallback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function(any response) {...};
any response

The JSON response object sent by the handler of the message. If an error occurs while connecting to the specified tab, the callback is called with no arguments and runtime.lastError is set to the error message.


chrome.tabs.getSelected(integer windowId, function callback)

Deprecated since Chrome 33. Please use tabs.query {active: true}.

Gets the tab that is selected in the specified window.

integer (optional) windowId

Defaults to the current window.

function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function( Tab tab) {...};
Tab tab


chrome.tabs.getAllInWindow(integer windowId, function callback)

Deprecated since Chrome 33. Please use tabs.query {windowId: windowId}.

Gets details about all tabs in the specified window.

integer (optional) windowId

Defaults to the current window.

function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(array of Tab tabs) {...};
array of Tab tabs


chrome.tabs.create(object createProperties, function callback)

Creates a new tab.

object createProperties
integer (optional) windowId

The window in which to create the new tab. Defaults to the current window.

integer (optional) index

The position the tab should take in the window. The provided value is clamped to between zero and the number of tabs in the window.

string (optional) url

The URL to initially navigate the tab to. Fully-qualified URLs must include a scheme (i.e., '', not ''). Relative URLs are relative to the current page within the extension. Defaults to the New Tab Page.

boolean (optional) active

Whether the tab should become the active tab in the window. Does not affect whether the window is focused (see windows.update). Defaults to true.

boolean (optional) selected

Deprecated since Chrome 33. Please use active.

Whether the tab should become the selected tab in the window. Defaults to true

boolean (optional) pinned

Whether the tab should be pinned. Defaults to false

integer (optional) openerTabId

The ID of the tab that opened this tab. If specified, the opener tab must be in the same window as the newly created tab.

function (optional) callback

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function( Tab tab) {...};
Tab tab

The created tab.


chrome.tabs.duplicate(integer tabId, function callback)

Duplicates a tab.

integer tabId

The ID of the tab to duplicate.

function (optional) callback

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function( Tab tab) {...};
Tab (optional) tab

Details about the duplicated tab. The tabs.Tab object does not contain url, title, and favIconUrl if the "tabs" permission has not been requested.


chrome.tabs.query(object queryInfo, function callback)

Gets all tabs that have the specified properties, or all tabs if no properties are specified.

object queryInfo
boolean (optional) active

Whether the tabs are active in their windows.

boolean (optional) pinned

Whether the tabs are pinned.

boolean (optional) audible

Since Chrome 45.

Whether the tabs are audible.

boolean (optional) muted

Since Chrome 45.

Whether the tabs are muted.

boolean (optional) highlighted

Whether the tabs are highlighted.

boolean (optional) discarded

Since Chrome 54.

Whether the tabs are discarded. A discarded tab is one whose content has been unloaded from memory, but is still visible in the tab strip. Its content is reloaded the next time it is activated.

boolean (optional) autoDiscardable

Since Chrome 54.

Whether the tabs can be discarded automatically by the browser when resources are low.

boolean (optional) currentWindow

Whether the tabs are in the current window.

boolean (optional) lastFocusedWindow

Whether the tabs are in the last focused window.

TabStatus (optional) status

Whether the tabs have completed loading.

string (optional) title

Match page titles against a pattern. This property is ignored if the extension does not have the "tabs" permission.

string or array of string (optional) url

Match tabs against one or more URL patterns. Fragment identifiers are not matched. This property is ignored if the extension does not have the "tabs" permission.

integer (optional) windowId

The ID of the parent window, or windows.WINDOW_ID_CURRENT for the current window.

WindowType (optional) windowType

The type of window the tabs are in.

integer (optional) index

The position of the tabs within their windows.

function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(array of Tab result) {...};
array of Tab result


chrome.tabs.highlight(object highlightInfo, function callback)

Highlights the given tabs and focuses on the first of group. Will appear to do nothing if the specified tab is currently active.

object highlightInfo
integer (optional) windowId

The window that contains the tabs.

array of integer or integer tabs

One or more tab indices to highlight.

function (optional) callback

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function( windows.Window window) {...};
windows.Window window

Contains details about the window whose tabs were highlighted.


chrome.tabs.update(integer tabId, object updateProperties, function callback)

Modifies the properties of a tab. Properties that are not specified in updateProperties are not modified.

integer (optional) tabId

Defaults to the selected tab of the current window.

object updateProperties
string (optional) url

A URL to navigate the tab to. JavaScript URLs are not supported; use tabs.executeScript instead.

boolean (optional) active

Whether the tab should be active. Does not affect whether the window is focused (see windows.update).

boolean (optional) highlighted

Adds or removes the tab from the current selection.

boolean (optional) selected

Deprecated since Chrome 33. Please use highlighted.

Whether the tab should be selected.

boolean (optional) pinned

Whether the tab should be pinned.

boolean (optional) muted

Since Chrome 45.

Whether the tab should be muted.

integer (optional) openerTabId

The ID of the tab that opened this tab. If specified, the opener tab must be in the same window as this tab.

boolean (optional) autoDiscardable

Since Chrome 54.

Whether the tab should be discarded automatically by the browser when resources are low.

function (optional) callback

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function( Tab tab) {...};
Tab (optional) tab

Details about the updated tab. The tabs.Tab object does not contain url, title, and favIconUrl if the "tabs" permission has not been requested.


chrome.tabs.move(integer or array of integer tabIds, object moveProperties, function callback)

Moves one or more tabs to a new position within its window, or to a new window. Note that tabs can only be moved to and from normal (window.type === "normal") windows.

integer or array of integer tabIds

The tab ID or list of tab IDs to move.

object moveProperties
integer (optional) windowId

Defaults to the window the tab is currently in.

integer index

The position to move the window to. Use -1 to place the tab at the end of the window.

function (optional) callback

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function( Tab or array of Tab tabs) {...};
Tab or array of Tab tabs

Details about the moved tabs.


chrome.tabs.reload(integer tabId, object reloadProperties, function callback)

Reload a tab.

integer (optional) tabId

The ID of the tab to reload; defaults to the selected tab of the current window.

object (optional) reloadProperties
boolean (optional) bypassCache

Whether to bypass local caching. Defaults to false.

function (optional) callback

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function() {...};


chrome.tabs.remove(integer or array of integer tabIds, function callback)

Closes one or more tabs.

integer or array of integer tabIds

The tab ID or list of tab IDs to close.

function (optional) callback

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function() {...};


chrome.tabs.detectLanguage(integer tabId, function callback)

Detects the primary language of the content in a tab.

integer (optional) tabId

Defaults to the active tab of the current window.

function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(string language) {...};
string language

An ISO language code such as en or fr. For a complete list of languages supported by this method, see kLanguageInfoTable. The second to fourth columns are checked and the first non-NULL value is returned, except for Simplified Chinese for which zh-CN is returned. For an unknown/undefined language, und is returned.


chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab(integer windowId, object options, function callback)

Captures the visible area of the currently active tab in the specified window. In order to call this method, the extension must have either the <all_urls> permission or the activeTab permission. In addition to sites that extensions can normally access, this method allows extensions to capture sensitive sites that are otherwise restricted, including chrome:-scheme pages, other extensions' pages, and data: URLs. These sensitive sites can only be captured with the activeTab permission. File URLs may be captured only if the extension has been granted file access.

integer (optional) windowId

The target window. Defaults to the current window.

object (optional) options

Details about the format and quality of an image.

enum of "jpeg", or "png" (optional) format

The format of the resulting image. Default is "jpeg".

integer (optional) quality

When format is "jpeg", controls the quality of the resulting image. This value is ignored for PNG images. As quality is decreased, the resulting image will have more visual artifacts, and the number of bytes needed to store it will decrease.

function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(string dataUrl) {...};
string dataUrl

A data URL that encodes an image of the visible area of the captured tab. May be assigned to the 'src' property of an HTML img element for display.


chrome.tabs.executeScript(integer tabId, object details, function callback)

Injects JavaScript code into a page. For details, see the programmatic injection section of the content scripts doc.

integer (optional) tabId

The ID of the tab in which to run the script; defaults to the active tab of the current window.

object details

Details of the script to run. Either the code or the file property must be set, but both may not be set at the same time.

string (optional) code

Since Chrome 39.

JavaScript or CSS code to inject.

Be careful using the code parameter. Incorrect use of it may open your extension to cross site scripting attacks.

string (optional) file

Since Chrome 39.

JavaScript or CSS file to inject.

boolean (optional) allFrames

Since Chrome 39.

If allFrames is true, implies that the JavaScript or CSS should be injected into all frames of current page. By default, it's false and is only injected into the top frame. If true and frameId is set, then the code is inserted in the selected frame and all of its child frames.

integer (optional) frameId

Since Chrome 39.

The frame where the script or CSS should be injected. Defaults to 0 (the top-level frame).

boolean (optional) matchAboutBlank

Since Chrome 39.

If matchAboutBlank is true, then the code is also injected in about:blank and about:srcdoc frames if your extension has access to its parent document. Code cannot be inserted in top-level about:-frames. By default it is false.

enum of "document_start", "document_end", or "document_idle" (optional) runAt

Since Chrome 39.

The soonest that the JavaScript or CSS will be injected into the tab. Defaults to "document_idle".

enum of "author", or "user" (optional) cssOrigin

Since Chrome 39.

The origin of the CSS to inject. This may only be specified for CSS, not JavaScript. Defaults to "author".

function (optional) callback

Called after all the JavaScript has been executed.

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function(array of any result) {...};
array of any (optional) result

The result of the script in every injected frame.


chrome.tabs.insertCSS(integer tabId, object details, function callback)

Injects CSS into a page. For details, see the programmatic injection section of the content scripts doc.

integer (optional) tabId

The ID of the tab in which to insert the CSS; defaults to the active tab of the current window.

object details

Details of the CSS text to insert. Either the code or the file property must be set, but both may not be set at the same time.

string (optional) code

Since Chrome 39.

JavaScript or CSS code to inject.

Be careful using the code parameter. Incorrect use of it may open your extension to cross site scripting attacks.

string (optional) file

Since Chrome 39.

JavaScript or CSS file to inject.

boolean (optional) allFrames

Since Chrome 39.

If allFrames is true, implies that the JavaScript or CSS should be injected into all frames of current page. By default, it's false and is only injected into the top frame. If true and frameId is set, then the code is inserted in the selected frame and all of its child frames.

integer (optional) frameId

Since Chrome 39.

The frame where the script or CSS should be injected. Defaults to 0 (the top-level frame).

boolean (optional) matchAboutBlank

Since Chrome 39.

If matchAboutBlank is true, then the code is also injected in about:blank and about:srcdoc frames if your extension has access to its parent document. Code cannot be inserted in top-level about:-frames. By default it is false.

enum of "document_start", "document_end", or "document_idle" (optional) runAt

Since Chrome 39.

The soonest that the JavaScript or CSS will be injected into the tab. Defaults to "document_idle".

enum of "author", or "user" (optional) cssOrigin

Since Chrome 39.

The origin of the CSS to inject. This may only be specified for CSS, not JavaScript. Defaults to "author".

function (optional) callback

Called when all the CSS has been inserted.

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function() {...};


chrome.tabs.setZoom(integer tabId, double zoomFactor, function callback)

Since Chrome 42.

Zooms a specified tab.

integer (optional) tabId

Since Chrome 38.

The ID of the tab to zoom; defaults to the active tab of the current window.

double zoomFactor

Since Chrome 38.

The new zoom factor. A value of 0 sets the tab to its current default zoom factor. Values greater than 0 specify a (possibly non-default) zoom factor for the tab.

function (optional) callback

Called after the zoom factor has been changed.

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function() {...};


chrome.tabs.getZoom(integer tabId, function callback)

Since Chrome 42.

Gets the current zoom factor of a specified tab.

integer (optional) tabId

Since Chrome 38.

The ID of the tab to get the current zoom factor from; defaults to the active tab of the current window.

function callback

Called with the tab's current zoom factor after it has been fetched.

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(double zoomFactor) {...};
double zoomFactor

The tab's current zoom factor.


chrome.tabs.setZoomSettings(integer tabId, ZoomSettings zoomSettings, function callback)

Since Chrome 42.

Sets the zoom settings for a specified tab, which define how zoom changes are handled. These settings are reset to defaults upon navigating the tab.

integer (optional) tabId

Since Chrome 38.

The ID of the tab to change the zoom settings for; defaults to the active tab of the current window.

ZoomSettings zoomSettings

Since Chrome 38.

Defines how zoom changes are handled and at what scope.

function (optional) callback

Called after the zoom settings are changed.

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function() {...};


chrome.tabs.getZoomSettings(integer tabId, function callback)

Since Chrome 42.

Gets the current zoom settings of a specified tab.

integer (optional) tabId

Since Chrome 38.

The ID of the tab to get the current zoom settings from; defaults to the active tab of the current window.

function callback

Called with the tab's current zoom settings.

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function( ZoomSettings zoomSettings) {...};
ZoomSettings zoomSettings

The tab's current zoom settings.


chrome.tabs.discard(integer tabId, function callback)

Since Chrome 54.

Discards a tab from memory. Discarded tabs are still visible on the tab strip and are reloaded when activated.

integer (optional) tabId

The ID of the tab to be discarded. If specified, the tab is discarded unless it is active or already discarded. If omitted, the browser discards the least important tab. This can fail if no discardable tabs exist.

function (optional) callback

Called after the operation is completed.

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function( Tab tab) {...};
Tab (optional) tab

The discarded tab, if it was successfully discarded; undefined otherwise.


chrome.tabs.goForward(integer tabId, function callback)

Since Chrome 72.

Go foward to the next page, if one is available.

integer (optional) tabId

The ID of the tab to navigate forward; defaults to the selected tab of the current window.

function (optional) callback

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function() {...};


chrome.tabs.goBack(integer tabId, function callback)

Since Chrome 72.

Go back to the previous page, if one is available.

integer (optional) tabId

The ID of the tab to navigate back; defaults to the selected tab of the current window.

function (optional) callback

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function() {...};



Fired when a tab is created. Note that the tab's URL may not be set at the time this event is fired, but you can listen to onUpdated events so as to be notified when a URL is set.


chrome.tabs.onCreated.addListener(function callback)
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function( Tab tab) {...};
Tab tab

Details of the tab that was created.


Fired when a tab is updated.


chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function callback)
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(integer tabId, object changeInfo, Tab tab) {...};
integer tabId
object changeInfo

Lists the changes to the state of the tab that was updated.

string (optional) status

The status of the tab. Can be either loading or complete.

string (optional) url

The tab's URL if it has changed.

boolean (optional) pinned

The tab's new pinned state.

boolean (optional) audible

Since Chrome 45.

The tab's new audible state.

boolean (optional) discarded

Since Chrome 54.

The tab's new discarded state.

boolean (optional) autoDiscardable

Since Chrome 54.

The tab's new auto-discardable state.

MutedInfo (optional) mutedInfo

Since Chrome 46.

The tab's new muted state and the reason for the change.

string (optional) favIconUrl

The tab's new favicon URL.

string (optional) title

Since Chrome 48.

The tab's new title.

Tab tab

Gives the state of the tab that was updated.


Fired when a tab is moved within a window. Only one move event is fired, representing the tab the user directly moved. Move events are not fired for the other tabs that must move in response to the manually-moved tab. This event is not fired when a tab is moved between windows; for details, see tabs.onDetached.


chrome.tabs.onMoved.addListener(function callback)
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(integer tabId, object moveInfo) {...};
integer tabId
object moveInfo
integer windowId
integer fromIndex
integer toIndex


Deprecated since Chrome 33. Please use tabs.onActivated.

Fires when the selected tab in a window changes.


chrome.tabs.onSelectionChanged.addListener(function callback)
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(integer tabId, object selectInfo) {...};
integer tabId

The ID of the tab that has become active.

object selectInfo
integer windowId

The ID of the window the selected tab changed inside of.


Deprecated since Chrome 33. Please use tabs.onActivated.

Fires when the selected tab in a window changes. Note that the tab's URL may not be set at the time this event fired, but you can listen to tabs.onUpdated events so as to be notified when a URL is set.


chrome.tabs.onActiveChanged.addListener(function callback)
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(integer tabId, object selectInfo) {...};
integer tabId

The ID of the tab that has become active.

object selectInfo
integer windowId

The ID of the window the selected tab changed inside of.


Fires when the active tab in a window changes. Note that the tab's URL may not be set at the time this event fired, but you can listen to onUpdated events so as to be notified when a URL is set.


chrome.tabs.onActivated.addListener(function callback)
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(object activeInfo) {...};
object activeInfo
integer tabId

The ID of the tab that has become active.

integer windowId

The ID of the window the active tab changed inside of.


Deprecated since Chrome 33. Please use tabs.onHighlighted.

Fired when the highlighted or selected tabs in a window changes.


chrome.tabs.onHighlightChanged.addListener(function callback)
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(object selectInfo) {...};
object selectInfo
integer windowId

The window whose tabs changed.

array of integer tabIds

All highlighted tabs in the window.


Fired when the highlighted or selected tabs in a window changes.


chrome.tabs.onHighlighted.addListener(function callback)
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(object highlightInfo) {...};
object highlightInfo
integer windowId

The window whose tabs changed.

array of integer tabIds

All highlighted tabs in the window.


Fired when a tab is detached from a window; for example, because it was moved between windows.


chrome.tabs.onDetached.addListener(function callback)
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(integer tabId, object detachInfo) {...};
integer tabId
object detachInfo
integer oldWindowId
integer oldPosition


Fired when a tab is attached to a window; for example, because it was moved between windows.


chrome.tabs.onAttached.addListener(function callback)
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(integer tabId, object attachInfo) {...};
integer tabId
object attachInfo
integer newWindowId
integer newPosition


Fired when a tab is closed.


chrome.tabs.onRemoved.addListener(function callback)
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(integer tabId, object removeInfo) {...};
integer tabId
object removeInfo
integer windowId

The window whose tab is closed.

boolean isWindowClosing

True when the tab was closed because its parent window was closed.


Fired when a tab is replaced with another tab due to prerendering or instant.


chrome.tabs.onReplaced.addListener(function callback)
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(integer addedTabId, integer removedTabId) {...};
integer addedTabId
integer removedTabId


Since Chrome 38.

Fired when a tab is zoomed.


chrome.tabs.onZoomChange.addListener(function callback)
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(object ZoomChangeInfo) {...};
object ZoomChangeInfo
integer tabId
double oldZoomFactor
double newZoomFactor
ZoomSettings zoomSettings